★★★  富士山 (Mt,Fuji)  ★★★

富士山(ふじさん、英語表記:Mount Fuji)は、山梨県(富士吉田市、南都留郡鳴沢村)と静岡県(富士宮市、裾野市、富士市、御殿場市、駿東郡小山町)に跨る活火山である。標高3,776 m、日本最高峰(剣ヶ峰)の独立峰で、その優美な風貌は日本国外でも日本の象徴として広く知られている。数多くの芸術作品の題材とされ、芸術面でも大きな影響を与えた。懸垂曲線の山容を有した玄武岩質成層火山で構成され、その山体は駿河湾の海岸まで及ぶ。




以上 Wikiより抜粋

Mt. Fuji (Huji and English transcription :Mount Fuji) is an active volcano which extends over Yamanashi-ken (Fujiyoshida-shi and Narusawa-mura, Minamitsuru-gun) and Shizuoka-ken (Fujinomiya-shi, Susono-shi, Fuji-shi, Gotenba-shi and Oyama-cho, Sunto-gun). Its elegant look is also learned about widely as a Japanese symbol at Japan oversea at the independent back of altitude 3,776 m and the Japan highest peak (the sword KE back). It was made a subject of a large number of works, and I also had a big influence in an art face. Its mountain form consists of a basalt matter composite volcano with the forms of a mountain of the catenary curve, and comes to a coast in Suruga Bay.

Because you assumed Sengen Ogami was made a sacred mountain traditionally and that was enshrined in a crest in particular, holy, view. Sengen-jinja did a rite by a nation under Ritsuryo legal code because an eruption was cooling down-ized, and Asama belief was established. touhai came to be also recognized by the Fuji saint made a founder of Mt. Fuji mountaineering asceticism as a holy ground of mountaineering asceticism, and started to be performed. This, Fuji belief diversifies by the time, and to forming a sect such as Murayama Shugen religion and Fujiko. Mt. Fuji climbing is popular in the other summer when I have a lot of tourist spots around the foot of Mt. Fuji at present.

One hundred famous mountains of Japan three famous mountain (three sacred mountains) and Japan are selected in Japanese geological feature hundred pieces. It's designated by the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park in 1936 (1936). After that it was registered with a scenic spot and 2011 (2011) in world-class cultural property by a name of "target of Mt. Fuji - belief and source of art" as well as a cultural asset cluster related to the ruin and also (in 2013) June 22, 2013 especially in 1952 (1952). It's the 13th case as a Japanese cultural heritage.

The border between prefectures at the top of Mt. Fuji (brink) is unsettled, and it's being affirmed that Kawakatsu Hirata Shizuka Oka prefectural governor and two prefectural governors of Masaaki Yokouchi Yamanashi prefectural governor don't set a border between prefectures as a press conference after Mt. Fuji world-class cultural property conference in January, 2014. When a spot on the map was designated from October, 2013 by the topographical map Geographical Survey Institute is exhibiting on the internet, latitude and the function by which the longitude and an altitude are indicated were added to the address, but when the top of Mt. Fuji (brink) was designated because belonging was the setting by which the address where belonging around here is fixed is indicated in case of an unsettled spot, it was pointed out from Yamanashi-ken that it's indicated as Fujinomiya-shi, Shizuoka, and this was received, and it was changed so that it might become hidden about address indica

As above mentioned it's excerpted from Wiki

黎明期の富士山、山中湖湖畔より。Photo By 三浦俊裕
黎明期の富士山、山中湖湖畔より。Photo By 三浦俊裕
富士山と星景写真、河口湖湖畔より。Photo By 三浦俊裕
富士山と星景写真、河口湖湖畔より。Photo By 三浦俊裕
富士山と紅葉 Photo By 三浦俊裕
富士山と紅葉 Photo By 三浦俊裕

★ 富士山と紅葉、2015秋 ★

★ 2月の河口湖湖畔にて ★

☆☆  三保の松原より富士山を望む ☆☆

☆ 写真をクリックしてお楽しみください ☆