★★★ My Deer Photo ★★★

撮影後の一時、鹿さんとの談笑。Photo By HomiSiratori
撮影後の一時、鹿さんとの談笑。Photo By HomiSiratori

ニホンジカ(日本鹿、学名:Cervus nippon)とはアムールからベトナムに及ぶ東アジア沿岸部及び日本列島に分布するシカの一種。日本では北海道から九州、その他の島々に広く棲息している。一般に、日本では単にシカとも呼ぶ。和名および学名の双方に「ニホン」「nippon」とついているが日本固有種ではない。

以上 Wikiより抜粋


文・写真 三浦俊裕

Sika (Japan deer, scientific name: Cervus nippon) and a type of deer distributed in East Asia coastal areas and the Japanese islands ranging in Vietnam from the Amur is. In Japan you are inhabiting widely in Kyushu from Hokkaido, and other islands. In general, I also simply referred to as a deer in Japan. In both the Japanese name and scientific name is attached as "Nihon", "nippon" but not in Japan endemic species.

Excerpt from Wiki or more

I am Japanese deer in animals that meet almost always when to shoot the landscape. They will let me take a lot of photos to come close to me without wariness about strange. Will be posted such a photo here.

Statements and photographs Toshihiro.Miura



★★★ 新日本3大夜景スポット・若草山 ★★★


夕日に立つ。Photo By HomiSiratori
夕日に立つ。Photo By HomiSiratori

出演交渉 Photo By HomiSiratori
出演交渉 Photo By HomiSiratori


★ 鹿のベストフォト&若草山の夕景 ★

★ 鹿の写真ギャラリー ★

安芸の宮島でニラメッコ Photo By HomiSiratori
安芸の宮島でニラメッコ Photo By HomiSiratori