★★ 和歌山・伊勢志摩・フォトギャラリー ★★

伊勢志摩の夕暮れ Photo By ToshihiroMiura
伊勢志摩の夕暮れ Photo By ToshihiroMiura


★ 伊勢神宮、内宮の彩 ★






The location of the belief and Ise-jingu from Japanese ancient times. It's the place called a Japanese god, isn't it? Beauty of Japan, the quiet and clear lodge here.

Such picture of Ise-jingu is being introduced here. Please see it by all means.

Toshihiro Miura.

★ 伊勢志摩の夕景の美しさ ★


丸山千枚田 Photo By HomiSiratori
丸山千枚田 Photo By HomiSiratori




この歴史的遺産を残すため、当時の紀和町の町長が1993年(平成5年)7月7日に座談会を開き、住民が棚田の復興に努力するのであれば行政として支援する旨を表明、同年8月20日に「丸山千枚田保存会」が結成された。同会は丸山地区の住民31戸が加入し、農林水産省から2004年(平成16年)度の「立ち上がる農山漁村」(交流分野)に選定された。 1994年(平成6年)には紀和町が日本初の千枚田を保存する「紀和町丸山千枚田条例」(平成6年紀和町条例第1号)を制定した。紀和町は2005年(平成17年)11月1日に熊野市と合併し地方公共団体としては消滅したが、条例は新・熊野市に引き継がれた(「熊野市丸山千枚田条例」平成17年11月1日熊野市条例第109号)。

以上 Wikiより抜粋




Maruyama thousand Hirata, terraced rice fields group using the southwest slope Shirokurayama in the Mie Prefecture Kumano Kiwa-cho district of Maruyama (altitude 736m).

It is said that a thousand pieces of fields, there are rice terraces (7ha) about 1,340 pieces to valley height difference of 160m (altitude 90-250m) in practice. There is only 0.5m2 with one piece of the smallest fields [2]. Is a stone masonry and masonry the main Nozura (Nozura-zumi), slope of the rice terraces is the method that is often seen in western Japan.
It is not clear When did Maruyama thousand Hirata or were present. Land surveying of the first to have been carried out in the Maruyama is that 18 years of Tensho (1590). It is that there was a rice terraces of about 2,240 pieces already at the time after the Battle of Sekigahara, Asano Yukinaga is Utsurifu in Kii, land surveying was carried out in six years Keicho (1601). Where Anzai Tadao estimated the survey map of 1898 (Meiji 31 years), terraced rice fields at this time was 2,483 pieces.

Was first found in the value of Maruyama thousand pieces of field is a Nakajima MineHiro of geographers, I'm writing a paper called "geographical study of local rice terraces in Japan" 1974 (1974). Tanada management was maintained by part-time with the labor of the mines with a focus on copper mineralization nearby, but mine closure in 1978 (1978), and led to the outflow of labor. Aging and successor shortage, price slump and rice acreage reduction policy at the time, factors such as that mechanization is difficult even overlap further, abandoned advances, 530 pieces was reduced in 1992 (Heisei 4 years).

The expressed intention to support administrative order to leave this historical legacy, mayor of Kiwa town at the time held a roundtable discussion on July 7, 1993, residents as long as the effort to reconstruction of rice terraces , "Maruyama thousand pieces of field Preservation Society" was formed on August 20 the same year. 31 units of residents Maruyama district joined, Dokai was selected "Rural rising" 2004 (2004) degree in (alternating current field) from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Was enacted Kiwa town to save a thousand pieces fields of Japan's first "Kiwa-cho, Maruyama thousand Hirata ordinance" the (Kiwa Town Ordinance No. 1, 1994) to 1994 (1994). Kiwa town ceased to exist as a local public entity merged with Kumano on November 1, 2005, but was taken over in New Kumano Ordinance ("Kumano Maruyama thousand Hirata ordinance" in 2005 No. 109 Kumano ordinance November 1st year).


Excerpt from Wiki or more

★ 熊野古道 散策 ★












Kumano Kodo is a general term for pilgrimage road leading Miyama Kumano (Kumano Hongu Taisha, Kumano fast ball Taisha, Kumano Nachi Taisha) to. It is located in the Kii Peninsula, across the road Mie, Nara, Wakayama Prefecture, Osaka Prefecture. It is designated as a national historic site as "Kumano Pilgrimage" in 2000, many of these, and cultural "remains in (Cultural Heritage World Heritage Site by UNESCO as part of the" Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage of the Kii Mountain Range "in 2004 It was registered as a landscape "). The Kii channel is not included in the registration target.

(In Osaka It is said that the Kumano crabapple) Kumano Kodo copperplate, which was introduced a (Osaka Kitahama)
Examples of other such "road" is registered as a World Heritage Site, a "pilgrimage of Santiago de Compostela" (cultural heritage, Spain). by itself, the way is registered as a World Heritage Site is rare.

Sometimes cobbled as a feature of the ruins of the Kumano Kodo, was used for the paving remains. Stone pavement that used to, Kii Peninsula is because a lot of local rainfall eminent in Japan. There are also places where milestone that has been developed by the Kishu clan in the Edo era remains.

Some of the Kumano Kodo, some of which had been absorbed not overlap with the root of the national highway and city. Geography of the Kii Peninsula is concerned these things are to occur. That is, there is no alpine what you stand out, but the central part of the Kii Peninsula, is covered in the valley and mountains uninterrupted. Therefore, the traffic development is difficult since ancient times, locations suitable for the traffic channel is limited. This situation is similar also present, so that as a result, a main traffic path of modern parallel to the road pioneered the ancient people, overlapping as described above further. It should be noted also that what has been a World Heritage Site is not all, of the Kumano Kodo. This is because there is a section in which exact route is in the unknown there also rise and fall of Kumanomou itself mainly a result of all of which is not the subject there is a derived route resulting from the transition historic. There is also a movement of local to try to re-discover "forgotten" the route that was so.

Kumano around, was a land of nature worship that also appears in Chronicles.

I is said Kumano royal visit of Pope Uda 907 years the first. How did the pilgrimage to Kumano three mountains came to be done frequently, is said to be from Miyuki Kumano of Shirakawa of 1090. Shirakawa was Miyuki Kumano nine times together then. Kumanomou came to be made during the nobility of Kyoto by this. Then, post-Shirakawa also have done Kumano Miyuki 33 times.
Once in the Edo period, it is said Along with Mai Ise, is Kumanomou, ordinary people and got to do widely. Temporary, seems there was also that accommodation of 800 people was recorded in one day in the tavern near Kumano.
Number of shrines of Kumano Kodo around depleted was decreed in 1906 by the end of "shrine enshrined Ordinance". Customs Kumanomou also gone almost.
National road until the maintenance Showa from Taisho, Kumano Kodo itself, continued to be used as a community road surrounding.

Nanki・Ise-Sima Photo Gallery

伊勢志摩での夕景 Photo By 白鳥保美
伊勢志摩での夕景 Photo By 白鳥保美

Ise-Shima, Mie Prefecture, which is located in the southern part of the resort where you can enjoy a superb view very mild. Would be able to be seen to be one of history such as the Ise Shrine in Japan, the appearance of the original Japanese there.

We introduce shooting in Ise Shima Nanki that.


Photo By Homi.Siratori